Wonderful job by all, very professional and our new door looks great
Commercial Glazing Services
A&E Joinery And Glazing Ltd provides commercial glazing services in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, completing all jobs in an efficient and thorough manner. As an independent company ourselves, we understand the problems that a damaged window or broken door can cause to daily trade, let alone the health and safety implications that may arise as a result.
With this in mind, we offer a responsive repair service, eliminating any safety concerns by replacing the glass and / or completing the glazing repair work within a short turnaround. In the unlikely event that we need to source replacement glass or additional components, we will board-up the window to keep the property secure for a short time before the job can be completed.

Offering a wide range of double glazing and joinery repair services, our installers work quickly as an individual team or as part of a group of contractors on larger property developments for commercial and industrial customers.

With over 25 years’ experience as commercial glazing technicians, we have completed a large and varied range of glazing repairs for businesses of all types including large blue-chip organisations and facilities management companies.
Commercial Glazing Services:
- Emergency repairs and replacement
- Shopfront glazing
- New shopfronts installed / repaired
- Windows and doors installed / repaired
- Regulation 14 surveys
- Sash window refurbishment / repaired
- Window and door maintenance
- New lock installations